Week 4Summary - John's Notes
git branch <branch_name> - Creates a new branch with a given name
git checkout <branch_name> - Switches to a new branch
git log -n1 - Limits the output of the log command to only a single commit
git branch -v - Verbosely list all local branches
git show <reference> - Show the information pointed to by the reference
git merge <branch_name> - Merge in a given branch to the current one
git checkout -b <branch_name> - Create a new branch and switch into it in one go
git reset --hard <commit_ref> - Reset a branch to a specific commit reference
git log --graph --pretty=oneline --all --abbrev-commit --decorate - Shows a graphical view of the repository
git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate - A shorter form of the above command
git branch -d <branch_name> - Delete a branch that has already been merged
git branch -D <branch_name> - Forcibly delete a branch
git branch <branch_name> <commit_ref> - Create a new branch, starting at the commit reference
git reset --merge - Abort a merge and reset back to pre-merge state
git diff <commit_1> <commit_2> -- <files> - Show the difference between the two commits, for certain files
- Conflict - A conflict occurs when an attempt is made to reconcile multiple changes to the same section of a file at the same time.
- Fast-Forward Merge - The simplest merge type, which simply winds a branch forward in time to meet the tip of another.