Week 8

Summary - John's Notes


  • git apply <filename> - Applies a patch to the working tree
  • git reflog show <branch> - Show the reflog only for the specified branch
  • git format-patch <ref1>..<ref2> - Create a set of patches of each commit between two points
  • git am <filename> - Apply a specific patch containing a format-patch file
  • git bisect start - Begin a bisect session
  • git bisect good <ref> - Mark a reference as good, during a git bisect
  • git bisect bad <ref> - Mark a reference as bad, during a git bisect
  • git bisect start <ref_recent> <ref_old> - Start a bisect session between two known points
  • git bisect run <command> - Start an automated run of the bisect tool
  • git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch <file>' HEAD - Rewrites the current branch to remove file
  • git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter <directory> - Rewrites the current branch to make subdirectory directory the root of the branch
  • git fetch <remote> +<remote_branch>:<local_branch> - Creates a local branch from the remote branch existing in a remote repository
  • git branch -m <old_branch> <new_branch> - Move or rename a branch from old to ne
  • git bundle create <filename> <branch> - Create a bundle file in filename, containing all the objects and references from branch.
  • git submodule add <repo> <path> - Add a submodule at the directory specified by path
  • git submodule init - Initialise any submodules in the super project
  • git submodule update - Pull all submodules back to the points that have previously been committed to


  • Patching - A method of distributing changes from someone elses repository without having a line of communication between the two, or without a user having access to commit into the destination repository
  • Bundle - A type of archive file that hold objects and commits and can be pulled from
  • Bisect - A way of progressively searching through a repository to find where bugs were introduced
  • Filtering - Takes a branch and rewrites it according to a set of rules
  • Submodule - Incorporating a remotely reachable project as a subdirectory of a superproject
  • Superproject - A Git repository containing one or more submodules

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